Sue Collins
Do what you want to do
Welcome! Join me in creating a world where business tips, personal development and success stories spread faster than dieting trends.
Call Me Collins
I’m a FILMMAKER, writer, producer, feminist, working mum, MOTHER OF BOYS, cheerleader of others and curious about many things….and I’m all about helping you achieve your dreams.
Juggling work and parenting so that you feel like you can win at both isn’t easy. Throw in travel and a hobby and you can be stretched to the limit, you can forget your own name, especially when you use two! For now, call me Collins…
Are you building a career, a business, a side hustle or a hobby, or even a combo of all these? Or are you longing to do something but just haven’t taken that first step? I write about the film projects I’m working on, impact filmmaking, health equity, how to be more productive and useful tips and info to help you with your own endeavours.
Lifelong learning
My theory is that people who love change, also love learning and peruse new endeavours. People who hate change are less likely to have a love of learning.
When procrastination rears its ugly head
I know what I need to do, so why am I not doing it? This thought has been floating in and out of my head for a few weeks now. It's procrastination! I’m flailing around in lockdown and it feels like spinning in circles with no clarity on where to stop and point. Or...
Goals, goals, goals…
Does anyone else feel like the pressure to have goals is coming from all angles?
Why is goal setting important?
Does it really help you achieve your dreams?
Work-life balance, is it even possible?
Work-life balance, are you wondering if it’s even obtainable. You’re not alone but I’ll walk you through some ways to make your life easier.
Hello overwhelm! The need to do too much
Why are we all still running around trying to achieve too much all at once?
This need to try and do more than one big thing at a time is known to result in failure for both pursuits and in my opinion, it causes ‘overwhelm’.
How to overcome distractions and be super productive
How to overcome distractions. Do you realise how distracted you are? Let’s figure it out & start getting things done. Hello productive you!
About Me
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away….
Ok, ok, that’s not how my story starts. I’m from Earth, I’m a mother of small boys and I run an impact film production house with my hub. Although I do sometimes find my thoughts are in outer space…
In a nutshell, I make documentaries with a purpose, I like sharing what I’ve learned with others and to inspire people to live into their own passion areas. Too many people say ‘Oh, I love to do that if I had more time’. If you’ve ever said it, you can and you should. Let’s go on this journey together.